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The Bible says that God will use anything to bring people into a relationship with Him. So, YES, martial arts can be a way to reach others for Christ.

Can martial arts and Christianity go together?

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Iron Sharpens Iron

Daily Proverbs for Today's Martial Artist

This book is a devotional that will help you in your walk to develop the benefits of martial arts in your daily life. By looking at the teaching of Proverbs through the lens of a martial artist, you will see how the Bible is relevant and applicable to your martial arts training, understanding, and growth. Each day you will be guided to read a chapter of Proverbs followed by a devotion that highlights specific teachings within the chapter. The daily devotions are designed to strengthen your daily walk with Christ as you continue your journey of reaching mastery of your art.


Sample text from Chapter 19


Seek Knowledge


One of the reasons people start martial arts is to learn something new. They want to learn about the traditions, discipline, and the art itself. They come seeking knowledge about a new activity they can add to their life and, for some, to their family. No matter the reason, gaining knowledge is what helps us grow mentally, spiritually, and even professionally. 

The Bible says a lot about learning: 

  • Deuteronomy 31:12 tells us to “learn to fear the Lord your God”

  • Proverbs 1:5 instructs the “wise to listen and add to their learning”

  • Isaiah 1:16-17 says, “Stop doing wrong and learn to do right!”

  • Christ instructs us in Matthew 11:29 to “Take my yoke upon you and learn from me…” 

These verses only highlight a few places where we are admonished to learn, but it’s clear that learning is important. When you first accept the Lord as your Savior, you are not expected to know everything. The Bible even compares new believers to a newborn who requires milk as their diet to grow. But as we grow in our understanding and knowledge of God, we move from drinking milk to eating solid food, just as an infant does as he or she grows. 

This same principle can be applied to our martial arts training. Often when we start a new activity, we are so excited that we want to jump right into the deep end without first learning how to navigate the shallow waters. However, we need to take baby steps first. This progression of knowledge is demonstrated by the advancement in belts. The white belt signifies innocence and purity regarding the system you are enrolled in. The white belt says that you have an open mind and are ready to learn anything new. As you progress in your learning, the color of your belt changes to represent that new knowledge. Each belt has its own meaning -- my personal favorite is green because it means growth! Any onlooker can see that a student has trained and worked to master their art by simply looking at the color of their belt. 

When you finally obtain your black belt, it does not mean that your learning has stopped. In fact, just the opposite is true, as the rank of black belt is viewed as a new beginning where you apply all the knowledge you have obtained and use the tools you have been given. The black belt represents the commitment of the student to overcome difficult tasks using both physical achievement and mental determination.  

Moving up in belt rank is a great analogy to our walk as Christians. We start as a new Christian eager to learn about the things of God. We grow daily by reading His word, spending time in prayer, and gathering with others who also love Him. As we continue to build our relationship with God and learn about His teaching, we are moving from white belt to black belt in our Christian lives. This movement comes from seeking knowledge -- which is what Proverbs 19:2 and 8 are telling us to do. Getting your black belt does not happen in a week. It’s not a fast climb because there is so much to learn, to evaluate, and to understand. You must approach this journey with the understanding that you will embrace knowledge and develop as a martial artist over time, just as you move through your life as a Christian -- growing daily in the knowledge of God.

Book Features

What makes this devotional unique?


A Martial Artist Lens

Iron Sharpens Iron is written from the lens of a martial arts business owner and actual martial artists. The philosophy and lessons from martial arts go hand-in-hand with powerful words from the book of Proverbs and help with your daily walk as a martial artist. These daily devotionals will build your character on and off the mat, improve your ethical prowess at home and at work, and — most importantly of all — strengthen your relationship with Christ.


Deeper Biblical Understanding

I love to read devotionals because it fascinates me how two people can read the same passage of scripture and find different truth in it. To me, that shows how relevant the Bible is and how, if I'll let it, it will speak directly to me. Devotionals also help me better understand the Bible. Let's face it -- the Bible can be hard to understand at times, so it is fun to seek out gifted, Christian authors who can help us develop a deeper, clearer understanding through their writing. That's the intent of this devotional - to deepen your understanding of God's Word by using skills and knowledge from your martial arts training.


Daily Inspiration

Iron Sharpens Iron has been crafted over many years. It is a continuation of a life journey that began in 1994 when our school, Ultimate Martial Arts, was born in our basement. Each time you pick up this book, there is an inspirational point of view that was created for you! The book's perspective came from my daily walk in business, marriage, and reading the book of Proverbs.


Personal Examples

The book contains personal stories of owning a martial arts school, lessons learned through mistakes and failures, and the provisions of God to allow us to be in business since 1994. It's a real-life account of how biblical principles and a Christian worldview have impacted our martial arts school and how these principles can change your life and grow your relationship with Christ.




I am an educator at heart. After teaching high school business for 22 years, I moved into administration and served as an assistant principal, career and technical education director, and virtual school administrator. I hold Master’s degrees in Business Education and School Leadership and a Doctoral degree in Educational Leadership. My current position is Associate Professor of Business Administration and MBA Director at Tabor College.


Chris and I have two beautiful children – a son Jared, who serves as a FlightSafety Scheduling Specialist and a daughter, Jenna who is an ICU nurse. Jenna is married to Dr. Ben Koerner and they have a son, Boston, who was born in 2021. Family vacations are a must at our house and we love to travel to the beach, explore new places and eat lots of Mexican food!

You can learn more about my book and other information by connecting with me on Facebook.

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Chris followed in the footsteps of his grandfather, Guadalupe Llamas, who was his martial arts instructor from an early age. Learning the art of taekwondo in his grandfather’s garage, Chris continued his training and later opened his own school in 1994. After returning from his service in Desert Storm, Chris competed in the famed All Armed Forces World Class Athlete Program and Team USA for Taekwondo.


Chris is passionate about teaching martial arts, helping other school owners develop, and impacting lives. He is a highly respected leader and innovator in the industry and uses his excellent communication skills to help both his students and business coaching clients aim higher than they ever thought possible.

Check out our school website to learn more about Chris and Ultimate Martial Arts.

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What People Are Saying...
Iron Sharpens Iron: Daily Proverbs for Today's Martial Artist

I have read this book multiple times and I get something new each time! It is for more than just the martial artist-they are lessons we can all use. I love that it keeps me close on my walk with God.

Ronald S. 

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